When God Seems Silent And Distant
Ask again, and again, and again
Most times this is how we feel, that God doesn’t even care, He’s not bothered by the problems we’re facing, and so on.
In our situation, sometimes we find it diffcult to even mutter a word in prayer. In those times, we find we express ourselves best through tears unto God.
She must have heard that He is so loving, caring, full of Mercy, kind, compassionate, and would turn no one away. To worsen things, this was the first time she was even coming to Him, talk less of speaking to Him. So, she could be regarded, as a new convert, and this was the treatment she got from the most loving Jesus. But, if you look at it clearly, Jesus didn’t turn her away, instead he only “answered her not a word”.
Most times, even as Christians, we assume a lot. If we were in this woman’s shoes, we would assume that Christ doesn’t love us, because He isn’t answering us. And if we were just coming to know the Lord, we would say “is this the Jesus everyone was talking about?, I don’t think I’m interested in giving my life to Him again!”
When we pray to God for a blessing; whether healing, or provision or deliverance, and we don’t get it as expected, we begin to doubt God’s love and promises for us. Some might even go as far as concluding He doesn’t exist.
I know, these times are harder than before, but we should equate with, and even outdo the tough times. WE CAN DO IT, WE HAVE THE STRENGTH.
Read: Living or Leaving?
As if that was not enough, Christ’s own disciples came and “besought” i.e urged, persuaded Him to send her away. They didn’t even tell in a solemn manner, they displayed no form of sympathy in their request.
Isn’t it painful that the ones who are supposed to talk to God on our behalf, or even encourage us when we are down, are the ones who are pushing us aside? Sometimes, the Christians we look up to for support, are unfortunately the ones who turn a deaf ear to our cries, or even aggravate the situation.
Take, for example a sister in the church who just lost her job and was thrown out of her rented apartment because she could no longer afford the rent fees. She has nobody who is willing to help her and she eventually turns to the church for help. Why did she do this? Because she is certain and confident enough that the church, a body of Christ, will help her.
But it turns out that the people she placed her hopes on are the ones telling her “that serves you right, why can’t you afford an ordinary rent?” Or, “God is punishing you for your sins” or, “you are probably a witch and that’s why no one is helping you” or “we have no place for people like you who can’t keep a job” and so on.
Read: Our only hope
Now, what would she do? Since no one, even these so called Christians would not believe her?
She may fight her battle alone, with God, or may totally drop her robe of righteousness, vowing never to have anything to do with God or His followers, anymore.
I know, this is wickedness. But, let’s also look inward, and ensure we aren’t acting like this, causing someone to lose heaven, because of our actions, reactions or inactions.
When we find ourselves in a similar situation, is this not exactly how most of us react to God’s seemingly delay to our prayers?
In times like these, we should like the woman, worship God, remind Him of His promises, and praise Him for all He has done. God is always pleased when we worship Him, because that is the reason He created us – to worship Him. Why won’t God answer you when you’re doing exactly what He wants you to do? I.e worshipping Him?
There is POWER in PRAISES!
When Jesus decided to answer her, it wasn’t a very nice answer. Still, she didn’t feel pained, but immediately replied him appropriately, with wisdom still calling Him “Lord”.
How about us? If we are replied in such manner, infact, that would just be it, that would be the end of our communication and relationship with God.
Finally, after so much testing, Christ granted her request. He knew her ability, He knew she could do it, He wanted to bring out the best in her, He wanted her to realize she was wise, and teach her how to communicate effectively with Him, to get exactly what she wanted.
You will realize that in all these, Christ was testing her, trying her faith. And she passed!
Whenever we feel God is silent, we shouldn’t give up, because that might just be the exam that is needed to give you a breakthrough. Whatever it is you are asking the Lord, ask Him again, and again, and again, while quoting his promises in the scriptures. Like the woman, don’t give up and say God doesn’t love you, instead change your orientation and try to see His love in everything, even when you’re in the darkest moment and God seems to have turned His back on you.
Expect love, love, and more love! (MSG) – parentheses mine.
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